Credentials Squad Tee & Poster

  • Credentials Squad Tee &  Poster

November 10th, 2021 is a day that I will forever hold dear to my heart. So many of my friends from all walks of life came together in one room to celebrate community. The energy in the room that night was truly remarkable. There were moments where I would stop to look around and see so many beautiful faces: smiling, laughing, hugging, conversing, & living in the moment. No matter what was going on in the world at that time, nothing could have brought down the people in that space.

For days I was riding the high from that night. Every time I look at that photo it brings me so much joy. It proves that no matter what background or differences we all have we can still get together and be there for one another, to support and elevate each other.

I moved to New York on September 19th, 2013 and it’s been an amazing journey thus far. At times I even question why I’ve lived such a blessed life since I’ve been here, surrounded by so many talented, amazing, and like minded individuals. When I look at this photo, I see some of the true taste makers & influencers of New York City. I feel honored that so many of these people have welcomed me into their lives. No matter what I write, nothing can truly express my appreciation and admiration for everyone that showed up that day.